News Item Posts

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Manage Your Sources With A New API

Announcing a new API to manage all of your imgix Sources.

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Our Newest Source Option: Microsoft Azure

Now you can easily set up a Source that serves images from Microsoft Azure.

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Announcing Support for WebP and SVG Inputs

imgix now supports two additional image formats, WebP and SVG, as accepted inputs.

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Use Your Words: Adding Colors to Your Images Just Got Easier

For all imgix parameters that accept hexadecimal color values, you can now simply use the names of the actual colors.

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New Duotone Parameter Expands Stylistic Possibilities

Our latest feature, duotone, is a striking artistic effect that can also be used to great advantage in branding and creating a unified feel across images.

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Introducing imgix Partners

Introducing the imgix Partners Page, a list of trusted companies to help you with your image optimization needs.

Stay up to date with our blog for the latest imgix news, features, and posts.