Website Performance Posts

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How to Properly Resize and Compress Images for Better Core Web Vitals

See how serving images in the next-gen formats, efficiently encoding images, and properly resizing images can improve your Largest Contentful Paint.

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What Are Core Web Vitals, Why Are They Important, and How Images Play a Part

Core Web Vitals are increasing important measures for user experience and SEO. See how proper image optimization can improve Core Web Vitals.

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Announcing the imgix Video API — Now In Limited Availability

With the addition of HLS and other video features, imgix now offers you a single, end-to-end solution for all your visual media.

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HTTP Live Streaming (HLS): The Global Standard for High-Quality Video Streaming

This is the last installment of a three-part imgix blog series covering streaming video: its value, how adaptive bitrate streaming makes it work, and the HLS/LL-HLS protocol. imgix is releasing a streaming video optimization and hosting solution — if you foresee a need for this, contact us at

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Adaptive Bitrate Streaming: What You Need to Know

This is the second in a three-part imgix blog series covering streaming video: part one: its value, part two: how adaptive bitrate streaming makes streaming video work, and part three: the HLS/LL-HLS standard. imgix will be adding streaming video optimization and hosting — if you foresee a need for this, contact us at

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Streaming Video — Why It’s Essential and Why You Need More Than YouTube

This is the first in a three-part imgix blog series covering streaming video: its value, how adaptive bitrate streaming makes streaming video work, and the HLS/LL-HLS standard. imgix will be adding streaming video optimization and hosting — if you foresee a need for this, contact us at

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