Changelog: December 2, 2016

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  • Fixed a bug in the source-signing tool that was mangling user-provided query strings with more than one parameter.
  • Added some handy auto-focus behavior to a few forms that frankly, should have had this behavior from the start.
  • Made some minor spacing and layout improvements for forms on smallscreen devices.


  • Released [react-imgix 5.2.0], with new support for picture elements. Usage information here:

Changelog: November 18, 2016

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New Masking and Border Options

  • Added rounded corners as an option for masking images (mask=corners), with the ability to round each corner and set the radius individually (corner-radius). Also added the maskbg parameter so you can apply a color to the masked area.
  • We also added rounding to our border parameter, again with individual controls for each corner and for the inner and outer radii (border-radius, border-radius-inner).

The upshot of these two changes is that adding these common display styles is now a lot easier with imgix. Thumbnails, avatars, and other types of images with simple border and mask requirements can now be created just by adding parameters to your existing images. Check out the border and mask documentation for more information and interactive examples.


  • Fixed a case-sensitivity bug in the parameter field on the source-signing view.
  • Made various sizing and leading tweaks to text styling in titles and modals.
  • Rolled out a major update to the checkmark icon in our checkbox inputs.

Open Source Libraries

  • Released react-imgix 5.1.0. This adds a crop property to override crop URL params #57, and several other fixes/changes.

Changelog: November 11, 2016

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  • Improved empty-state copy for dashboard and source list views to be more helpful to new users, and made some minor design improvements.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from accessing the rollback view under certain specific conditions.

Changelog: November 4, 2016

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New rect Options

  • Added relative methods of defining the start point for the cropping area of the rect parameter. It now accepts left, center, or right options for the x value, and top, middle, or bottom for the y value, in addition to accepting integer values. See the docs for more information.


  • Updated our modal windows to match some of our fresher, hotter styles
  • Changed the color of the global overlay from dark to light, to cut down on rapid contrast changes (h/t Mr. Flintrup)

Open-Source Libraries

  • Released imgix-swift 0.3.0, adding the ImgixClient#reconstruct method. Usage is outlined in the documentation.

Changelog: October 28, 2016

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Expiring URLs

  • Added the ability to expire image URLs with the expires parameter. If the image is requested after the timestamp value, it will return a 404 error. See the docs for more details.


  • Updated the single-URL signing tool to allow setting an expiration date on the signed URL.
  • Updated the signing tool to ensure the "parameters" field can properly validate the latest & greatest in imgix URL parameters.

Open Source

  • Released imgix-rails 2.1.3. ix_image_url is now pulled in as a Sprockets helper, so folks can use it to generate image URLs in asset pipeline files.
  • Released Drift 1.0.0, improving the way Drift works with require statements.

Changelog: October 21, 2016

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Open Source

  • Released Luminous 1.0.1. This fixes a bug with blank captions, and updates how Luminous works with Browserify. You can check out the updated installation docs to learn more.
  • Released imgix.js 3.0.4. This release allows customization of the input attributes used to define images. The readme has more information and an example.
  • Released Drift 0.4.1, which adds a bugfix for IE's lack of scrollX and scrollY.


  • Removed our old coupon redemption view. If you've been holding onto a coupon for years, now would be a great time to redeem it! Email us at with your coupon code and we'll help you out.
  • Fixed some spacing issues on the Tools view
  • Rewired the Sign-In view a bit, but you probably won't even notice the difference.

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